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All about Doodles and Pops

Where to start? Well I have wanted to open my own nursery since I left school and have put all of my passion into creating the most open, warm and homely environment possible for your little ones. After having two children of my own, I quickly found what it was that I would be looking for as a parent!


The most important aspect for me was the warmth, love and care they received from their nursery workers who understand just how much our little ones mean to us, and that dropping them off somewhere for a couple of hours or a day really is a big deal! 


We really aim to focus on helping children to learn about who they are as individuals and how we can deal with different emotions we feel as we stumble across different hurdles in life. It is so important for us to know that not one person is the same as another, and we will really take the time to celebrate all of our differences and what makes us who we are! 

Looking through a Block
Nursery Values

Our Ethos

At Doodles and Pops our aim is to create a home from home atmosphere where children can feel physically and emotionally safe. Every day we will provide the children with unique and fun filled activities which will aid them on their learning journey and help develop their skills in every area.

We understand that each and every child is different, and no one journey can be the same, and by having a close relationship to parents and carers we can really get to know our children which will enable us to meet all of their needs.


Our Nursery Values:


  • Independence – Because we believe it is important for children to learn to do things for themselves but of course we always remain close by to offer a helping hand, which will help them to develop the skills they will use throughout the rest of their lives


  • Collaboration – Working as a team, making friends and socialising is such an amazing way to have new learning experiences and our daily activities will aim to provide opportunities for turn taking and working together.


  • Resilience – Because getting back up again is how we learn and grow, with a helping hand from those around us.


  • Kindness – We will teach our children through our actions and being good role models daily, showing them that kindness is the way. No matter how your family unit works, no matter your beliefs, no matter your individual needs and no matter your race or culture, we are all EQUAL. At this age, children’s brains are like sponges and this period in their life will really shape who they will become, and so to instil kindness every day, we hope they carry this with them throughout their life journey.


  • Curiosity – Because sometimes we just need to look beyond. We love to take a child led approach at Doodles and Pops, and seeing the world through a child’s eyes is a fantastic world to be in.


  • Courage – Although some things may seem scary like starting a new nursery, we will always be here to be your child’s biggest supporters and will encourage them by letting them know that their feelings are validated and these feelings will help us to grow stronger.


  • Respect – Because on top of all of our other values, we feel it is important to remain respectful to all of our staff, our families, our children and vice versa. With respect we can work together and provide the warmest, safest, fun and thriving atmosphere for our little humans.

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